To ensure the product quality as customer's requirement, a tensile-strength test for all items must always be performed during and after the development.
And we fully understand all requirements vary depending on product application, usage and business area etc, so we are trying to reflect it from the begining of development.
Tensile testing is the most common method to determine the mechanical strength of an object. It involves the application of uniaxial force to measure the performance of a test specimen, up to the point of it yielding or breaking, whether sharply or gradually. In simple terms, it is pulling something apart in a straight line and seeing how it changes. Tensile testing is an important part of the design for ensuring product safety and integrity, as well as being an essential part of quality-control testing for consistency in manufacture and assembly.
Test results for most of items what we provides, we reply it by sending an individual report data to customer.
Please, feel free to contact with our sales representatives if you need the data, thanks,
Test report sample - H101 20mm as Voyager Dual Hook