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Regarding PFAS, our anodized aluminum products and TPU magnet what we provides is difinitely PFAS free, we got 3rd party consultant - SGS and CIRS in details. Please, find their comment and information. 

"After Lab tests the samples, this samples are not suitable for PFAS test, usually PFAS test for texitile samples with waterproofing treatment, the Fluorine test method is also not suitable for metal matrix, so the results will be highly biased."

It's the basic information about PFAS.

"PFAS stands for per-and poly-fluoroalkyl substances are manufactured chemicals that are used in many consumer products" - PFOS, PFOA and PFHxA belong to the PFAS group of chemicals.
"It cause Hormone supperession, Thyroid disease, Liver damage, Cancer, Reproduction Toxicity etc on Human as well as environmetal effects when PFAS is exposed"
"European Union categorised certain PFAS as substances of very high concern (SVHC) and U.S. ban certain PFAS chemicals and reportaing obligations for manufacturers and importers"

As you know, we also regularily conduct "REACH" test every year, we will monitor and adapt to changing regulatory landscape with a dedicated, 3rd party consultant, and we assess our raw-material supplier or a related supplier by communicating together continously. 





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