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Compliance with REACH regulation

We certify that all aluminum products shipped from WeTOOL meet the requirements for REACH Compliance as defined by European Community Regulation, EC1907/2006 (article 33). It has been determined that the products we offer are classified as articles by this regulation.

We acknowledge it’s our responsibility as subcontractor in the supply chain to provide information on the composition of articles we supply to you, including confirming the absence or presence of any SVHC (Substance of Very High Concern).

REACH is a European Union regulation concerning the Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and restriction of Chemicals. The sole purpose of REACH is to address the production and use of chemical substances, and their potential impacts on both human health and the environment.


*Difference between RoHS and REACH:

It's often confusion between RoHS and REACH, so for the main difference between RoHS and REACH is that RoHS bans substances that are present in electrical equipment that is within the directive. REACH, however, pertains to all chemicals including those used to make a product. This can include materials, solvents, paints, chemicals, and more.


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